Thursday, December 17, 2009


December has been a busy month for us this year! We started out with a trip to Virginia to be with our good friend Kara after her dad passed away from a long battle with cancer. It was a sad visit in some ways but it was really nice to see our friend and meet her fiance! We also caught a pretty snowfall, so it was a nice change from the 80 degree weather too! Here we are outside our hotel:

Last night we finally got our Christmas tree (only about a month after we usually do!)! We'll just have to celebrate the season longer this year I guess! We also hung lights on the house for the first time this year. Last year we were painting the exterior so it didn't get done. It's a simple light display but it won't run up the power bill either!

And, this is a photo worth posting. Our dog never sits still for 5 seconds but she was so good for the camera!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!