After a few dog escapes and a note from the HOA, we decided it was time to repair our fence! Dad, Jim and Nolan: Thanks, we enjoyed spending your Christmas presents (gift cards!) instead of our own cash!! :) Another thanks to Rusty and his dad for spending Sunday repairing the fence in the rain! They fixed the falling fence in the back corner, replaced fallen boards and even put the neighbor's fallen fence panel. Hopefully it'll hold us until we replace the entire thing...
We recently enjoyed a visit from my Uncle Doug, Aunt Kristi and cousins Ali and Rob. They were down on spring break visiting from Minnesota. Glad they had a few days of nice weather! Not much happening with us otherwise. We are eagerly awaiting Rusty's Universal orientation on Wednesday next week. In the meantime, it's all about our dog-child (as you can see)! I picked up her buddy Kobe the other day and they had a great time chasing each other around the back made me tired just watching them!
Speaking of tired, everyday I attempt to tire out Layla. We started with a few minutes on the rollerblades in addition to her daily walk. Now we have progressed to 7 miles with her running next to me on my bike. Even that doesn't REALLY tire her out. So, after some research and a lot of teasing from Rusty...I ordered Layla a dog backpack. The theory is that it puts the dog into "working mode" and they burn up some energy while also keeping them calm on the walk. If you know Layla, these are two things she desperately needs. Much to my surprise it worked! She is much more calm on walks and seems a LITTLE more tired than from a normal walk. In addition to the vest photoed here, she also wears the actual pack with 3 lb weights on each side! Oh the joys of being a dog owner...!