Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Is it fall yet?

Well, it's been awhile! In the month since we last updated we have been busy as always. Last weekend we went camping at a local campsite in Deltona called Blue Springs. My friend Nikki from work and her husband joined Rusty, Grant and myself for a weekend in the woods. We are thinking about taking another trip sooner than later, especially since we can feel fall coming in the evenings. (That means lows in the 70s instead of 80s!)

Besides all that it is Monday night football at our place again! Every Monday we have a group of about 5-6 over to our place to watch football. It'll be really nice when we have a bigger place to entertain in! As you can see from our seating predicament below!

Here are the boys snuggled up cute together on the couch!

Of course, saving for a house continues! In the meantime we've been spicing up our place and getting some new things including matching coffee table and end tables for our living room and a new china cabinet (well, new to US!) so I can actually display our beautiful dishes that we got for our wedding. We even rewarded ourselves with a new laptop which has been fun playing with. Our desktop will replace a very ancient laptop Rusty was using at work. It's all about justifying the buy!

Work continues to be a blur of activity for me. Nothing about nursing school prepared me for the workload of a nurse in the ICU. I am finding myself to be very slow at completing tasks but I learn so much at work everyday I come home with my head spinning. I have gained so much respect for the men and women who call nursing as their profession because it is certainly not a job for the faint of heart! Right now I am caring for two stable patients on my own, including one mechanically ventilated patient under the watchful eye of a preceptor. This is a full workload for an ICU nurse and it is more work than you could imagine! My training will continue though approximately March.

As for Rusty, things are about the same at work. He is entering the slow season so we are thankful we don't have a costly mortgage to pay each month! Next weekend he is planning on tearing the motor and drive train out of his Chevy pickup. His plan is to get the drive train in order along with some much needed suspension work. Of course this will all come a little at a time!

More later!