After nearly a week on
bed rest I had a check up with the doctor today. Everything is going well and the amount of contractions I'm having at this point are considered normal! I've been prescribed another week of
bed rest until my next appointment and ultrasound. Then they will look at the babies and if things are still looking good they will consider changing my activity level and weaning down my medication for contractions. Either way, I'll still have to be very careful and take it easy..not an easy task but
definitely worth it! Thank you to everyone for their kind thoughts and support!
Hang in there and rest :) Congrats again.
Try to enjoy it. How many times in your life do you get doctors orders to "do nothing"? OK, so maybe it's not quite like that, but watch movies and surf the net...and have a great time!
Thanks ladies :) I am trying to enjoy far I've been able to catch up on so much I've been behind on! Better do it now I!!
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