Not too much else happened this month. I spent it in recovery mode, trying to organize my photos, work on the nursery and clean out the garage (AKA: nesting). It made for a few late nights after the girls went down for bed!!
At least once a week I take the girls over to see my mom and have dinner there. They love to run around her house and make a mess :) Other evenings you can find us reading books with toys sprawled across the living room or watching Audrey's favorite show, Elmo. We also go outside when the weather is nice and play with the water table they got for their birthday.
Audrey is quite a little ham. She is always giving a big smile with her eyes scrunched closed...she knows it's cute too. There are still just a few words she is saying but instead of her favorite "doggie" she also says ducky, doll, and ball frequently. She likes to make animal noises can pretty much count on the monkey, duck and cats in her books to make some sort of noise while you are reading! She loves to pet Layla and it seems like Layla is more tolerant of her than she is of Madison.
Madison still isn't talking yet but she still wants to know what everything is! She points and makes this hissing noise when she wants to hear the name of an item. When she wants to, she follows pretty complex instructions and points to specific items in her books. She loves story time and will bring you book after book if you are willing to read them! She remains a brute but is very sweet and likes to cuddle at bedtime. Her blankie is still #1!
They both learned that if they "ask nicely" (by signing please) they get what they are asking for. Trying to teach manners to two 15 month olds is proving challenging! They also have a few minutes of potty time each evening where they get to sit on the potty like a big girl, I tell them. I'm hoping to have them potty trained by the time they go to college ;) Their new thing is giving each other a kiss goodnight before bedtime and naptime. It is absolutely precious in case you were wondering!
Baby Jones is growing well. I had my 24 week check up a couple of days ago and they are still seeing me only every month! Quite a change from my last pregnancy and thank goodness for that! Everything is going well, my blood pressure and urine screens have been normal. Baby has a strong heartbeat and is measuring about 23 weeks via tape measure! I seem to be feeling more kicks and jabs this time but that might just be because there isn't another baby to kick in there, only me! We are still playing the name game too, in case you were wondering. We have agreed on one girl name and one boy name but I'm not 100% sold on either one. For some reason #3 is much more difficult to name than the first two!
We don't really have plans for July other than to survive the Florida heat and hopefully spend sometime in the pool!!!
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