For all of you that are curious, here is my story!
I started feeling minor contractions while hanging out with my mom on Tuesday night (October 16th). I went home and put the girls to bed and the contractions seemed to be a bit stronger. I was timing them and they seemed to be between 3-10 minutes apart. I texted Rusty about 9:30p and told him I might be in labor but not to leave work early. After scrubbing the bathrooms and tidying up the house, I decided that double batch of muffins I was planning on making that night should probably wait. Rest was important now, especially if it was the real thing. I notified my midwife and my doula that I might be calling them in the early morning hours!
When I laid down my contractions got worse but slowed down. I eventually fell asleep on and off for an hour or two until 2am when I could no longer sleep through contractions. I sat on my yoga ball awhile until I was pretty uncomfrotable and my contractions were 3-5 minutes apart. I called my midwife and we decided that I should come in to the center. I woke Rusty up, took a shower and waited for the in-laws to arrive to be with the girls.
On our way to the birth center we stopped by McDonalds for some food. Soon, neither one of us felt much like eating! When we got to the center, we were met by the midwife and my doula, Cyntha. (A doula is like a birth coach that helps you through labor!) It was 5:30am. They checked me at I was 4-5 cm but they wanted my contractions stronger and closer together. The midwife showed me how to lay on my side to accomplish this. I laid there about 2 hours and it was working! Around 7:30 my water broke and that next contraction was VERY intense.
At this point, I decided that it was time to get in the tub. It was warm and amazing. I pointed the jets on my back and it seemed to help. The baby was moving around a lot at this point. I was probably in the tub about 2 hours enduring pretty intense contractions but she was expecting me to be progressing faster. She wanted me to get out of the tub and try some other things. At this point, I didn't care as long as it would bring labor to an end! When she checked me, she said I was 7cm and the baby wasn't in good position and needed to be turned. If that sounds painful, it is, wowza! I'm thinking to myself, 7cm, that's it? Maybe I can't do this?! Robyn (my midwife) assured me that I could be pushing soon if I did what she told me to do.
So we walked. I wanted to lean over so bad but she said standing strait up was best to get the baby down. I think I stood up but I really am starting to forget the details! Then Robyn told me I needed to lay down flat in the bed. I told her it hurt too much in that position and she told me that was good! Haha...ok! She said the most uncomfrotable position is usually the one that is causing the strongest and best contractions to get the baby out.
Eventually she said I could turn on my side which was a bit better but still very intense (poor Rusty ended up with finger mark burises...hehe). All the sudden I started pushing. It wasn't like last time with my epidural when they told me when I was having a contraction and that I should push. It just happened, it was like an extension of the contraction and my body just did it. They told me later that it was 8 minutes from that moment to the time she was born. It felt like both an eternity and a split second to me!
Before I knew it, the head was out. Really weird. Then she was here. My whole plan was to have a water birth and catch her myself. At this point, I was so happy it was almost over it didn't matter I wasn't in the tub. I don't even think I physically pulled her up myself but the midwife was there to help and put her up on my chest. I was in shock and so happy to be holding this new life and hearing her sweet cry, I didn't even think to look at the gender. Robyn helped me hold her up to get a look and Rusty told me "three for three" just about the time I caught a glimpse myself. I felt suprised she was a girl, not that I was expecting a boy, but I guess just that this little thing moving around inside of me all this time finally had a gender and a name.
Elana Danielle Jones. 6lbs 10oz, 20 inches long. Born at 10:38 on October 17, 2012. A very special day indeed. I was secretly dreading her being born on this day because I didn't want to take away from the fact that it was Dannis' day. But now I understand why it happened. The longer I go through life, the more times I learn that everything that happens to us happens for a reason. We may not understand it at the time, but there IS always a reason.
A few short minutes after she was born she started rooting around and I nursed her for the first time. She did great and it was kind of like riding a bike for me! We were all starving by this point so Rusty went out and got my my favorite: a wrap from Crispers and a smoothie!!! I laid in bed and cuddled Elana all day. At 4:30 my in-laws and the girls arrived to meet their little sister! Audrey was scared of the birth assistant and started crying but eventually noticed the little baby laying next to mommy. She just kept saying "baby" and pointing at her. Madison was not interested in the slightest. She WAS interested in dismanteling the place and unplugging the fan. Life's about to get really crazy :)
Then we all packed up and headed home!! Just 6 hours after she was born we were on the road home. I was happy to be spending our first night at home in our own bed. Lots of people have asked me: would you do it again? If given the opprotunity to have another child (haha) I would have another birth center birth. The experience was amazing as was the midwiffery care. They were not only focused on getting baby out of me but they were also interested in caring for me, as a person and how I was dealing with labor, birth and postpartum. What an amazing experience and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to have another baby to love! Maybe its all hormonal but looking back it didn't seem unbearable even though I know it was at times. It must be why mankind continues to exist :) All Rusty has to say about it is that he is very proud of me and I would have gotten a lollipop but probably not a!
Elana on her first night home :)
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray....
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