Monday, November 21, 2011

I am thankful for...

our family. We would have never survived this year without the support of our families!!! My dad was a tremendous help while I was on bed rest. He cooked me dinner and kept me company on the nights that Rusty had to work. I would have been one hungry and lonely pregnant lady if it wasn't for him!!! My mom was especially helpful in the early days of bringing the girls home. She would come over and convince me to take a nap (sleep when the girls are sleeping!!!) and help tidy the house and do my laundry! She also did my grocery shopping while I was on bed rest :) Rusty's parents have been an awesome help with babysitting the girls on Saturdays on alternating weekends with my dad. They also fed on MANY occasions when we were just too busy (or tired) to leave the house! Not to mention my sister, whom left a huge void in my life when she went back to college! We would stay up late and have desperate housewives marathons and keep me company while I was feeding (and feeding and feeding) the girls! You all are amazing and I'm so glad you are part of our lives!

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